Day 14

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Today we will continue with programming. There are two tutorial, these tutorials explain a lot.

Go back to "3 weeks" series.

Advanced programming by Håkan Nilsson

Here you will find an introduction to advanced programming in OpenFOAM by Håkan Nilsson at Chalmers University of Technology. You will learn about

  • implementation of a turbulence model
  • implementation of a boundary condition
  • implementation of a function object
  • debugging in OpenFOAM

Imlement how to impose a movement of the mesh at a given boundary

Here you will learn how to couple two different physical problems in OpenFoam. In this specific case you will use the equation of motion of a membrane with pretension to impose the movement of the mesh at a given boundary. You will learn about

  • implementation of more advanced models in OpenFOAM
  • finite area

End of day 14

We arrived at the end of Day 14. Hopefully the detailed information from today will further help you with your own problem setting.

If you have not already done so, try to start with your own problem at this stage.

The tutorial series is nearly at the end, but don't be sad, we still have one full day of joy and happiness for you. See you tomorrow!