Usually there is a steep learning curve, when one starts to learn OpenFOAM. An initiative was started in the OpenFOAM community to organize available teaching material into one collection.
"Why should I invest my time?"
Maybe at this point you ask yourself the question:
"Why should I invest my time into learning OpenFOAM?"
Well, there are lots of arguments, here are some of them:
- OpenFOAM is one of the top 3 most used CFD software.
- OpenFOAM is one of the top 5 most used software on HPC.
- OpenFOAM is trusted by industry, R&D centers and universities.
- OpenFOAM offers the opportunity of high parallelization.
- OpenFOAM is open source - free of charge and with an open source code.
- You can implement your own models, if you wish so.
- There are thousands of users around the world for research and production engineering.
- There is a lot of help from experienced users on the web.
- There are local user meetings in several countries.
- OpenFOAM is cool.
Tutorial collections
We understand, that there is a variety of users with different levels of experience. We try to provide material to as many users as possible. For this reason we organize the material into different tutorial series.
The license, under which contributors publish their material is stated on each page individually. However, possible code segments are always under the GNU General Public License (GPLv3).
"First glimpse" series
If you are someone, who wants to "check out" OpenFOAM, the following short introductory series is for you. You should be able to complete it within a couple of hours.
"3 weeks" series
In this series you will gather a more detailed knowledge of the basics of OpenFOAM. You should be able to complete the series within three weeks. This is perfect for PhD students or engineers, who want to do serious work in OpenFOAM.
Collection by contributors
In this series we collect all the material contributors submitted organized by the individual contributors. Here you can find all the submitted material.
Collection by topic
In this collection you will find all available tutorials organized into individual topics (e.g. basics, meshing, multiphase modeling, turbulence modeling, programming etc.)
In this collection you will find available tutorials organized into multiple categories to be able to find specific tutorials faster.
In this section you can find a collection of material filled with a massive amount of tips to improve your simulation.
exaFOAM Project Benchmarks
Benchmarks prepared in the framework of the exaFOAM Project.
Archive section
In the archive section the Editorial Board does not maintain the tutorials. Cases are set up for older versions, however, users might still find useful information, so these are not deleted.
Up until now following persons contributed to the tutorial collection (alphabetically):
- Michael Alletto - WRD MS
- Manoel Silvino Araújo - Universidade Federal do Pará, Brasil
- Chandan Bose - University of Liège, Belgium
- Luís Ferrás - University of Minho, Portugal
- Célio Fernandes - University of Minho, Portugal
- Lionel Gamet - IFP Energies nouvelles, France
- Bernhard Gschaider - HFD Research GmbH, Austria
- Joel Guerrero - Universita degli Studi di Genova/Wolf Dynamics, Italy
- Bahram Haddadi - Technische Universität Wien, Austria
- Gerhard Holzinger - K1-MET GmbH, Austria
- Tobias Holzmann - Holzmann CFD
- Andras Horvath - Rheologic GmbH, Austria
- Kenneth Hoste - Ghent University, Belgium
- Hrvoje Jasak - Wikki Ltd, UK
- Ardalan Javadi - Georgia Tech, USA
- Christian Jordan - Technische Universität Wien, Austria
- Luofeng Huang - University College London, UK
- Victoria Korchagova - ISPRAS, Russia, Moscow
- Matvey Kraposhin - ISPRAS, Russia, Moscow
- Robert Lee - Georgia Tech, USA
- Ilia Marchevsky - BMSTU, Russia, Moscow
- Nelson Marques - blueCAPE Lda, Portugal
- Nikola Majksner - Air Shaper
- József Nagy - eulerian-solutions e.U., Linz, Austria
- Håkan Nilsson - Chalmers University, Sweden
- Miguel Nóbrega - University of Minho, Portugal
- Stefan Radl - Technische Universität Graz, Austria
- Wouter Remmerie - Air Shaper
- Henrik Rusche - Wikki GmbH, Germany
- Bruno Santos - blueCAPE Lda, Portugal
- Philipp Schretter - Technische Universität Wien, Austria
- Sergei Strijhak - ISPRAS, Russia, Moscow
- Gavin Tabor - University of Exeter, UK
- Alexander Vakhrushev - Montanuniversität Leoben, Austria
- Divyesh Variya - Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay, India
Committee Members of Documentation and Tutorial
More details on the members can be found here.
How to contribute
If you are interested in contributing to the tutorial collection, here you can find the details on submitting new material.